
I am very happy to share my knowledge and experience for teaching cello and music.  I have over 20 years of experience teaching students of all ages.  My teaching is based on a holistic approach to teach the whole musician.

Musicianship is taught using approaches from Kodaly and Dalcroze to understand and feel the music.

Technique is addressed based on scientific anatomical concepts, inspired by Alexander technique and the Feldenkreis method to create free flowing movement in order to express musicality through the cello..... tension free.

I have 3 years of suzuki training under my belt which is very stong influence in my teaching.  The suzuki method creates a community, both local and worldwide of people who share the same stories, the same repertoire.  There is the option to join in in worldwide events as we are all talking the same language.  Younger students can take advantage of a British Suzuki Association membership to participate.

I also have training with the String Babies method founder which has resulted in a useful method for 'pre twinklers'.

 I can run classes of musicianhip for ages from Birth onwards.  Please contact for details.  Musicianship classes are based on the pedagogical ideas of Kodaly..... who inspired teachers to create step by step curriculums of age appropriate resources using the most effective and cheapest instrument of them all ... our voices.  Everyone can sing.... one note at a time.  Rhythms are vocalised, melody is sung starting with 2 notes - for little children the falling minor third as in 'Rain Rain go away' or the call of 'mummy'; and for older people the Mi Re Do of Hot cross buns.  Then from there confidence is built one note at a time in order to really internalise musical intervals using the 'moveable Do' system. Children or adults who learn this system will find learning the cello much much simpler as the music is internalised first.

With a solid start students are in a position to take their music where ever they choose. Whilst for some it may lead to a career in music, for others it is a way of creating healthy learning habits which can lead to success in many ambits in life. The discipline and precision taught through music usually encourages children who will thrive with academic learning or sports or whatever becomes their main 'thing'. Through music we are teaching the whole person. It is not a surprise that when interviewed many successful people will talk about the importance of a musical education to get where they are in life.

My teaching can take students from complete beginners, at any age, to the upper grades and beyond.

Whether students decide to take grade exams or not, sharing and performance is encouraged.

Learning the cello is a social activity. There are large numbers of cello groups around the world to participate in. In the area I organise group days and every year I am one of the tutors in the Mullion Cove cello weekend .... a fantastic get together of adult cellists from the southwest.

Please press the button below to  contact me to find out how I can help start or continue your musical journey.
